Hidden Dangers of Kajal: Lead Poisoning & Safe Alternatives for Women & Children

خواتین خبردار: آپ کی کاجل میں زہر ہے۔
Women Beware: There’s Poison in Your Kajal | Kajal with Lead | Dangers of Kajal | Use of Kajal | Kajal for Pregnant Women | Risks of Kajal for Children | Kajal Lead Poisoning | Kajal Chemicals | Harmful Effects of Kajal on Health | Lead-Free Kajal | Dangers of Traditional Kajal | Health Effects of Kajal | Safe Kajal Brands | Making Kajal | Toxic Substances in Kajal | Is Homemade Kajal Safe?

Ladies beware: Your mascara is poison.

 How dangerous is the use of mascara, especially for pregnant women and children? Almost all the women around the world use kajal which undoubtedly enhances their beauty. It is also considered beneficial for eyesight and is often applied to children. But do you know how dangerous it can be?

 Soot Hazards: Serious Health Hazards

 This beloved female cosmetic product comes with serious health risks, including the possibility of lead poisoning. Soot can contain lead and other toxic chemicals that can cause adverse health effects.
لیڈ پوائزننگ اور کاجل: وائرل سوشل میڈیا پوسٹ

Lead poisoning and soot: A viral social media post

 Recently, a post on social media platform "X" went viral, highlighting the dangers of lead poisoning with kajal.

 Lead poisoning in Afghan children: the role of soot

 The post mentions that children in Afghanistan suffer from lead poisoning, which damages their intelligence, cognitive abilities and learning ability, in which Kajal plays a major role.

 Health effects of soot: study results

 Several studies have confirmed that using kajal or kohl can pose significant health risks, especially traditional or homemade kajal.
سیسہ کی موجودگی: صحت کے سنگین خطرات

Presence of Lead in Soot: Serious Health Hazards

 Experts note that lead is sometimes used in mascara to enhance its color, but it can cause serious health problems, especially when applied near the eyes.

 Soot and Lead Poisoning: Expert Opinion

 Dr Akash Agarwal, consultant neurologist at Manipal Hospital, Bhubaneswar, says that lead in kajal can actually cause lead poisoning.

 Lead levels in soot and their effects

 Dr. Agarwal noted that some forms of kajal, especially traditional or homemade varieties, contain high levels of lead.  When mascara is applied regularly, lead can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can pose serious health risks over time.


Microsoft Bing Image Creator Effects of Lead on the Nervous System: Warnings from Experts

Effects of Lead on the Nervous System: Warnings from Experts

 Lead is a potent neurotoxin that can cause severe damage to the nervous system, says Dr. Pramila V. Thirumlesh, senior consultant at Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore.

 Severity of Lead Poisoning: Effects on Children and Adults

 Lead poisoning is a serious problem that affects both children and adults.  However, children are especially vulnerable because their bodies absorb lead more easily

لیڈ پوائزننگ کی شدت: بچوں اور بڑوں پر اثرات

Risk of lead poisoning in children: the role of soot

 Dr. Akash Agarwal highlights that children are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning, with their developing brains at greater risk of damage.

 Dangers of using leaded ink

 Regular use of lead-containing soot can lead to significant health problems, including learning difficulties, memory problems, irritability and developmental delays.

بچوں میں علمی اور طرز عمل کی نشوونما پر اثرات

Effects on cognitive and behavioral development in children

 Exposure to leaded soot can have profound effects on children's cognitive and behavioral development, potentially affecting their academic performance and social interactions in the long term.

 Effects of lead-containing soot on adults

 According to Dr. Agrawal, adults exposed to lead through regular use of kajal may experience health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems and neurological symptoms.

حاملہ خواتین کے لیے لیڈ پوائزننگ کے خطرات

Risks of lead poisoning for pregnant women

 Pregnant women are at particular risk from lead poisoning, which can cause miscarriage, stillbirth and developmental problems in the fetus.

 Recognizing the symptoms of lead poisoning

 Experts warn that the symptoms of lead poisoning can be difficult to recognize, but certain symptoms should not be ignored, especially if mascara is used regularly.
بچوں میں لیڈ پوائزننگ کی علامات

Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in Children

Symptoms of lead poisoning in children can include weight loss, abdominal pain, headaches and behavioral changes.

محفوظ کاجل برانڈز: ماہرین کا مشورہ

Safe Mascara Brands: Expert Advice

 Experts advise to always choose lead-free mascara and trust safe brands that have certification and regulatory approval.

 Making Kajal: Dangers of Homemade Kajal

 If you are making kajal at home, experts recommend avoiding homemade or locally made kajal, as they may contain lead.

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